Article 21: Adoption

ESPAÑA: Denuncias de niños robados durante el Franquismo llegan a la Fiscalía General del Estado
3/Mar/2011 News
Summary: Las denuncias de niños robados desde el Franquismo hasta los años ‘80 han llegado a la Fiscalía General del...
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SEXUALITY: UK Court questions effects of anti-gay beliefs of foster parents
2/Mar/2011 News
Summary: Judges questioned how beliefs on sexual ethics, both religious and non-religious, can affect children put into...
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ARGENTINA: Military dictators on trial over baby kidnappings
1/Mar/2011 News
Summary: Two former Argentine military dictators have gone on trial charged with the kidnapping of babies allegedly seized...
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SPAIN: Victims of 'stolen babies network' call for investigation
28/Ene/2011 News
Summary: Families of 261 babies who disappeared in Spanish hospitals over five decades present case to attorney general's...
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ESPAÑA: El fiscal general recibe una denuncia por el robo de 261 bebés en toda España
27/Ene/2011 News
Summary: Los familiares piden que se investiguen casos desde 1950 hasta los años noventa. ...
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France: Bientôt la fin des accouchements sous X ?
25/Ene/2011 News
Summary: Un rapport parlementaire préconise la levée de l'anonymat pour l'accouchement sous X. ...
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KENYA: S’occuper de ceux qui s’occupent des enfants
24/Ene/2011 News
Summary: Elever de jeunes enfants ne faisait pas partie du plan de retraite d’Angeline Abuga, âgée de 65 ans, mais après...
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EMERGENCIES: Misguided Kindness - Making the Right Decisions for Children in Emergencies
21/Ene/2011 Publication
Summary: Using lessons learnt in emergencies, from the genocide in Rwanda to the Asian tsunami and the earthquake in Haiti...
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