Czech Republic

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Fri, 16/12/1966 - 00:00 Instrument
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 and entred into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49.
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International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Fri, 16/12/1966 - 00:00 Instrument
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 and entred into force on 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27.
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Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution A/RES/54/263 of 25 May 2000 and entred into force 12 February 2002.
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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989 Entry into force 2 September 1990, in accordance with article 49.
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The Rights of Children in Italy
8/Jan/2007 Alternative Report
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Children And The Future Of Europe: Children Are European Citizens Too
Thu, 03/04/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: This conference in Brussels is part of EURONET campaign to promote the participation of children and young people...
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