Publication (general)

COMORES : Accès des enfants à la justice
6/يناير/2017 Publication
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CLIMATE CHANGE: CRIN's submission to the OHCHR
23/ديسمبر/2016 Publication
CRIN's submission for the report of the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights on climate change and the enjoyment of children's rights. 
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Mapping the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
17/نوفمبر/2016 Publication
It has been recognized widely that all 17 Sustainable Development Goals are relevant for children but how do they...
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Submission to the High-level Working Group on Health & Human Rights of Women, Children & Adolescents
7/نوفمبر/2016 Publication
This submission focuses on issues of consent in health care.  
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ARMED CONFLICT: Comments on the draft Policy on Children of the Office of the Prosecutor
1/نوفمبر/2016 Publication
The comments were submitted jointly with Child Soldiers International in response to the call for input of the Office of...
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CRIN Submission on mental health and human rights
1/نوفمبر/2016 Publication
This submission is CRIN's contribution to an OHCHR call for input on the issue of mental health and human rights for an...
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The effects of terrorism and counter-terrorism measures on the enjoyment of children’s rights
25/أكتوبر/2016 Publication
With terrorist acts making the news almost every day, the threat of terrorism and the means to fight it are becoming a key...
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Protection of the rights of the child and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
14/أكتوبر/2016 Publication
Children are affected by all of the sustainable development goals, whether poverty, hunger, inequality or climate change....
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FRANCE : ados en bidonvilles et en squats : l'école impossible !
28/سبتمبر/2016 Publication
Le Collectif pour le droit des enfants roms à l’éducation publie une étude qui montre que pour de nombreux adolescents âgés de 12 à 18 ans vivant en bidonvilles et en squats, l’école reste inaccessible.
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LUXEMBOURG: accès des enfants à la justice
22/سبتمبر/2016 Publication
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