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FRANCE : droit à la nationalité française pour les enfants nés par GPA
16/ديسمبر/2014 News
Refuser la nationalité française aux enfants nés de GPA à l'étranger était inique, c’est désormais illégal. Village de la justice, 15 décembre 2014.    
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PRISONS: UN criticises Sweden's children detention policy
2/ديسمبر/2014 News
[28 November 2014] - The way Sweden treats children living in detention centres has been strongly criticised by the United...
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OEA: Educación y Migración los temas centrales de la 4ª Conferencia de Juventud de las Américas
1/ديسمبر/2014 News
El  2 de Diciembre, en su sede en Washington, la OEA celebrará el encuentro a fin de discutir la grave situación actual en materia de niñez migrante
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INDIA: Report on (child) slavery in textile production leads to action
27/نوفمبر/2014 News
Indian politicans are reacting to a recent report on the situation of child slavery in spinning mills. 
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Egypt: Court sends 78 youths to jail for pro-Morsi protests
27/نوفمبر/2014 News
A court in Egypt has given 78 youths up to five years in prison for protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Egypt: Court sends 78 youths to jail for pro-Morsi protests
27/نوفمبر/2014 News
A court in Egypt has given 78 youths up to five years in prison for protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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ÉGYPTE : 78 adolescents condamnés à de la prison ferme
27/نوفمبر/2014 News
Le tribunal correctionnel pour enfants d’Alexandrie a confirmé en appel la peine de deux à cinq années de détention pour 78 mineurs. Ils avaient été arrêtés lors d’une manifestation réclamant le retour du président Mohamed Morsi. RFI, 26 novembre 2014.
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INTERNACIONAL: Temas pendientes a 25 años de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño
24/نوفمبر/2014 News
Un artículo de EuropaPress, resume algunas de las deudas que tenemos para con la infancia
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AUSTRALIA: Baby Ferouz and the children kept behind bars
21/نوفمبر/2014 Publication
Born in Brisbane to asylum seeker parents in November 2013, baby Ferouz has spent his life moving from detention centre to detention centre. In October 2014, a federal court judge ruled that both he and his family had no right to stay in Australia. Lawyers for Ferouz and other Australian-born babies of people seeking asylum challenged the government's plan to send them to a notorious detention centre, thousands of miles from the mainland.  
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