Extra-judicial execution

CONFLITS ARMÉS : Rapport annuel du Représentant spécial sur les enfants et les conflits armés
7/يوليو/2014 Publication
Le rapport annuel de la Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général de l'ONU sur les enfants et les conflits armés rescence les cas d'enfants recrutés, tués, mutilés, victimes de violences sexuelles et d’autres violations graves dans 23 situations de conflit à travers le monde.
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SYRIA: Up to 186 Kurdish students kidnapped by Isis in northern Syria
27/يونيو/2014 News
 Teenagers abducted from bus while travelling from Kobani to Aleppo to take exams.
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المفوضة السامية لحقوق الإنسان تبعث برسالة إلى السفير الإسرائيلي بشأن مقتل قاصريْن فلسطينييْن في ذكرى النكبة
28/ماي/2014 News
2014/5/23 — في رسالة بعثتها المفوضة السامية لحقوق الإنسان إلى المندوب الإسرائيلي في جنيف، أعربت نافي بيلاي عن قلقها البالغ...
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BRUNEI DARUSSALAM: Inhuman sentencing of children
1/ماي/2014 Publication
Brunei Darussalam to introduce the death penalty, amputation and flogging for offences committed by children.
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SYRIA: More than 150,000 killed in conflict, say activists
3/أبريل/2014 News
More than 150,000 people, including nearly 7,985 children, have been killed in Syria since the conflict began in March 2011, a monitoring group has said.
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COLOMBIA: Así se fabrican guerrilleros muertos
27/مارس/2014 News
El escándalo de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales en Colombia y un negocio siniestro dentro del Ejército: los falsos positivos que consisten en secuestrar a jóvenes para asesinarlos, luego vestirlos como guerrilleros y así cobrar recompensas secretas del Gobierno de Álvaro Uribe. 
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COLOMBIA: As peace talks continue, so do human rights abuses and recruitment of children - UN
27/مارس/2014 News
The UN warns that recruitment of children by Colombia’s two main rebel groups continues. Meanwhile the killing of innocent people allegedly at the hands of the army continue to be recorded. 
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SUDAN: Pregnant teenager alleging gang-rape charged with adultery
21/فبراير/2014 News
Ethopian teenager says she was raped by seven men in August 2013, and now faces possible sentence of death by stoning.
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CORÉE DU NORD : une commission de l'ONU réclame la saisine de la Cour pénale internationale
21/فبراير/2014 News
[Le 17 février 2014] - De multiples crimes contre l'humanité, découlant de politiques établies au plus haut sommet de l...
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NORTH KOREA: UN-mandated human rights inquiry documents 'widespread, systematic abuses'
18/فبراير/2014 News
A UN-mandated report documents a grim array of human rights abuses in North Korea and calls for urgent action, including referrals to the International Criminal Court.
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