Domestic violence

IRAQ: Do not legalise marriage for nine-year-olds, say human rights groups
17/مارس/2014 News
Draft law would be a step backwards for women and children's rights.
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АРМЕНИЯ: Активисты выступают за принятие закона о домашнем насилии
12/مارس/2014 News
Как и на остальной территории Закавказья, женщины Армении могут рассчитывать, что в их честь будут подниматься тосты, им...
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OPT: ‘Honor killings’ doubled in 2013, says official
6/مارس/2014 News
Women's rights groups say that the rise in killings stems from economic difficulties in OPT and social acceptance of violence against women.
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AFGHANISTAN: President orders changes to draft law amid fears for Afghan women
18/فبراير/2014 News
Afghan president backs away from a law that would have silenced victims of domestic violence, forced marriage and child abuse.
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SLOVAKIA: Government approves a new strategy to protect children from violence
24/يناير/2014 News
A new strategy has been approved by the Slovakian state government for tackling violence against children across the country.  
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Off the Books: Legal reform for Europe's Parliaments on banning corporal punishment
4/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: In every nation in Europe it is illegal to hit people. Children are people too, yet in two thirds of Council of...
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UN Study on Violence Against Children - Call for Action [Arabic]
2/ديسمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: The International Save the Children Alliance is promoting the following advocacy messages and recommendations for...
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LATVIA: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
27/نوفمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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Assessment of Violence against Children
26/نوفمبر/2013 Publication
Summary: Results of an Initial Desk Review for the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children, East and...
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