Articles 42-54: Implementation and monitoring

Directives générales pour les rapports périodiques
20/مارس/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Directives generales concernant la...
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Directives générales concernant la forme et le contenu des rapports initiaux
20/مارس/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Directives générales concernant la...
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Implementing the Convention of the Rights of the Child Resource Mobilization in Low Income Countries
19/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: This study focuses on Article 4 of the...
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Report on work for the Special Session on Children
18/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: Telefono Azzurro has finalised a...
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NGO Orientation Session - for PrepCom
سبت, 27/01/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Takes place in New York.
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NGO Consultation Session - for Second PrepCom to Special Session on Children
أحد, 28/01/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Takes place in New York.
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Convention on the Rights of the Child : UNESCO'S Contribution
16/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: This report describes UNESCO's...
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Children and their Housing: A Survey and Analysis Based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
16/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: There are strong reasons to include the...
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Monitoring of the Rights of the Child: Innocenti Global Seminar
16/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: A report of an international seminar...
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