Article 39: Rehabilitative care

Human Rights Day 2015: Freedoms for adults only?
9/ديسمبر/2015 Publication
The freedoms set out in the two Covenants are universal; they apply to everyone, everywhere. Children are no exception, they have all human rights. But children’s freedoms are rarely a priority; the ability to think freely, act and speak is too often denied for children all over the world.
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The Year in Children's Rights: CRIN's 2014-15 annual report
6/أكتوبر/2015 Publication
CRIN’s annual report wastes no time regurgitating blurb about who we are and what we do. Instead, we present a global picture of children’s rights, wrapping up the past year’s new or persisting issues around the world. 
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SOUTH AFRICA: Teenagers no longer prosecuted for kissing or consensual sex
20/يوليو/2015 Publication
A law that criminalised sexual activity between consenting adolescents in South Africa - even for kissing and cuddling - and required them to be put on a sex offenders register was struck down as unconstitutional after a challenge from the Centre for Child Law. CRIN looks at the issue in this case study.
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BRAZIL: Lowering the age of criminal majority, and next steps for opposition movement
15/يوليو/2015 News
Guest writer for CRIN, Henrique de Souza, from the Brazilian Bar Association, looks at the recently approved proposal to...
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BRAZIL: Organisations call on State to reject bill to lower age of criminal majority
22/يونيو/2015 News
Statement by civil society organisations calling on the government of Brazil to refrain from adopting the draft constitutional reform bill proposing to lower the age of criminal majority from 18 to 16 years of age.
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JUSTICE: 'Children’s equitable access to justice in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'
16/يونيو/2015 Publication
This UNICEF report sheds light on the tremendous barriers children in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in accessing justice for violations of their rights. 
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EUROPE: Children deprived of liberty in Central and Eastern Europe - Between legacy and reform
18/ماي/2015 Publication
This study by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee provides a systematic overview of the closed institutions where children...
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PERU: Poder Judicial busca reducir tasa de reincidencia juvenil
28/أبريل/2015 News
El Poder Judicial inauguró un moderno módulo del Servicio de Orientación al Adolescente para la reinserción social del joven infractor sin necesidad de internamiento en un centro cerrado de rehabilitación.
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