Article 18: Parental responsibilities

FILIPINAS: Marco legal no impide el maltrato infantil
31/ديسمبر/2014 News
Persisten varias violaciones a los derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes en este país.
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Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits de l'enfant
جمعة, 19/12/2014 - 12:30 Instrument
Adoptée et ouverte à la signature, ratification et adhésion par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 44/25 du 20 novembre 1989. Entrée en vigueur le 2 septembre 1990, conformément à l'article 49.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Witchcraft and ritual child abuse cases rise in London
9/أكتوبر/2014 News
The number of ritual child abuse cases linked to witchcraft being investigated in London is increasing. A total of 24 cases were passed to the Metropolitan Police in 2013, 19 in 2012 and nine in 2011.
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CAPE VERDE: Country becomes sixth African state to prohibit all corporal punishment of children
3/أكتوبر/2014 News
Cape Verde has joined the list of states enacting legislation which prohibits all corporal punishment of children, including within the family.
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BANGLADESH: Cabinet agrees Child Marriage Restraint Act
19/سبتمبر/2014 News
Officials in Bangladesh have approved the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 2014, a law that sets a two year jail term for any person who marries a girl under the age of 18.
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USA: Nine-year-old accidentally shoots and kills gun instructor
29/أغسطس/2014 News
Latest incident of gun violence leads to calls to review policies regarding children and automatic weapons.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Exercise should never be used as punishment
19/أغسطس/2014 News
Physical activity, particularly exercise, is being used by teachers, sports coaches and parents to discipline children.
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SEX EDUCATION: Calls for better sex education for autistic children
19/أغسطس/2014 News
Psychologists say that lack of sex education leaves children with autism more vulnerable to sexual victimisation.
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SPAIN: UN condemns state for negligence in murder of seven-year-old girl
7/أغسطس/2014 News
UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) rules that negligence by authorities led to girl's murder by her father.
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