Tanzania, United Republic of

Факультативный протокол к Конвенции о правах ребенка, касающийся участия детей в вооруженных конфликтах
خميس, 09/04/2015 - 16:30 Instrument
Принят резолюцией A/RES/54/263 Генеральной Ассамблеи  ООН и открыт для подписания, присоединения и ратификации, вступил в силу 12 февраля 2002 года.  
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INHUMAN SENTENCING: Life imprisonment of children around the world
25/مارس/2015 Publication
CRIN is launching a global research report on life imprisonment as part of the Inhuman Sentencing Campaign that highlights the prevalence and plurality of laws permitting life imprisonment for children.
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UNHRC 28th Session: Opening statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights
6/مارس/2015 News
The High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein presents the annual report on the OHCHR activities to open the Human Rights Council session in Geneva on 3 March 2015.
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EKAMA Development Organisation
5/مارس/2015 Organisation
EKAMA Development Foundation is a women's and children's rights organisation working in Tanzania. EKAMA's mission is to...
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: March 2015 edition of the global progress and delay leaflet
3/مارس/2015 Publication
This leaflet gives an overview of the latest developments in national legislations on corporal punishment of children.
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تقرير عالمي: التقرير السنوي لامنستي 2014-2015
26/فبراير/2015 Publication
كان عام 2014 عام دمار لمن سعوا إلى رفع راية حقوق الإنسان والدفاع عنها، ولمن حاصرتهم ضروب المعاناة في مناطق الحروب.
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Concluding observations for 68th's Tanzania combined third to fifth periodic report
26/فبراير/2015 UN and Regional Documentation
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GLOBAL REPORT: Amnesty International annual report 2014/2015
25/فبراير/2015 Publication
'This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. We must hope that, looking backward to 2014 in the years to come, what we lives through will be seen as an ultimate low point from which we rose up and created a better future.'
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REPORT: How inequalities develop through childhood
20/فبراير/2015 Publication
This piece of research takes evidence from a cohort study to reveal how structural inequalities impact children's lives.
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Comité des droits de l’enfant : 68ème session
اثنين, 12/01/2015 - 08:00 Event
La 68ème session du Comité des droits de l’enfant se tiendra du 12 au 30 janvier 2015. Le Comité examinera les rapports des Etats suivants : Cambodge, Colombie, Gambie, Iraq, Jamaïque, Maurice, République Dominicaine, République-Unie de Tanzanie, Suède, Suisse, Turkménistan, Uruguay 
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