Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of

MACEDONIA: Little by Little We Women Have Learned Our Rights - The government’s failure to uphold the rights of Romani women and girls
13/ديسمبر/2007 Publication
I wanted to go to school but we needed to pay for food, for clothes. My mother did not have any education. My father died...
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UN: International Human Rights Day 2007
10/ديسمبر/2007 News
[10 December 2007] - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) will turn 60 on 10 December 2008. Human Rights Day...
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MACEDONIA: El gobierno no hace frente a la doble discriminación que sufren las mujeres y niñas romaníes
7/ديسمبر/2007 News
Quería ir a la escuela, pero necesitábamos dinero para comprar comida y ropa. Mi madre no había recibido ninguna educación...
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ILO Recommendation concerning the prohibition and immediate action for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour
Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization at its 87th session, Geneva, 17 June 1999.
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