
CRC: Guidelines for Child Participation in CRC Reporting
24/ماي/2012 Publication
Summary: This is an analysis of alternative reports that have included children. ...
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Safeguarding Children in Detention: Independent Monitoring Mechanisms for children in detention in MENA
28/مارس/2012 Publication
Summary: This Handbook examines how national-level independent monitoring mechanisms can help respect, protect and fulfil...
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HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: World Report 2012
8/فبراير/2012 Publication
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JORDAN: Jordan jails teen activist for burning king's picture (Arabic)
27/يناير/2012 News
Summary: كانت منظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش قد حضت الاردن على سحب تهمة "المس بكرامة الملك" الموجهة للمراهق.محكمة اردنية تحكم على...
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JORDAN: Teen activist jailed for burning king's picture
27/يناير/2012 News
Summary: Activists have criticised the ruling, saying that burning an image of a member of the royal family as a political...
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