Article 13: Freedom of expression

The South Asian Report on the Child-friendliness of Governments
25/أكتوبر/2013 Publication
Summary: The South Asian report is a new comprehensive rights-based report which, for the first time, objectively measures...
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Children make their voices heard
23/أكتوبر/2013 Publication
Summary: Children make their voices heard provides standards, procedures, methodologies and tools for adults to partner...
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MAROC : deux adolescents arrêtés pour une photo sur Facebook
7/أكتوبر/2013 News
Summary: Un couple d'adolescents a posté sur le réseau social un cliché les montrant en train de s'embrasser. Ils sont...
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Concluding Observations for Central African Republic's Initial Periodic Report
3/أكتوبر/2013 UN and Regional Documentation
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