
Discrimination and disenfranchisement: A global report on status offences
20/Апр/2016 Publication
Status offences criminalise actions for only certain groups of people, most commonly because of their religion, sexuality or age. This new CRIN report examines how these offences affect children and the new forms they are taking.
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DEATH PENALTY: Submission for the Secretary-General's report on the death penalty 2016
14/Апр/2016 Publication
CRIN is campaigning for the abolition of inhuman sentencing of children, defined to include the death penalty, corporal...
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Age is Arbitrary - Discussion paper on setting minimum ages
11/Апр/2016 Publication
New CRIN discussion paper examines the use and worth of age thresholds in the context of a number of contentious children’s rights issues. The paper exposes how minimum ages can be inconsistent, discriminatory and arbitrary.  
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6/Апр/2016 News
Una niña de trece años, embarazada como producto de una violación, solicitó la práctica de un aborto legal. A pesar de que su salud física y mental corrían peligro, su petición fue denegada. Las consecuencias en su salud mental y física permanecen hasta hoy. Sin embargo, gracias a su caso, Perú cuenta ahora con un protocolo de aborto terapéutico y la ONU ha reconocido la prohibición del aborto legal como una forma de discriminación contra las mujeres.
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RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO : trois casques bleus comparaissent pour les viols commis en Centrafrique
5/Апр/2016 News
Trois soldats congolais, membres des casques bleus, ont comparu lundi à Kinshasa dans le premier procès militaire lié aux violences sexuelles commises en Centrafrique par les casques bleus.
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UN: Protection of the family
5/Апр/2016 Publication
During the 29th session of the Human Rights Council last year, a controversial resolution on the ‘protection of the family...
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PERU: Abortion guidelines established after 90-year delay
30/Мар/2016 Publication
A 13-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped was denied a legal abortion, even though her physical and mental health were in danger. She was left paralysed; but thanks to her case, Peru now has a protocol on therapeutic abortion and the UN has recognised the denial of a legal abortion as a form of discrimination against women.
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