Health and welfare

UZBEKISTAN: World Bank rejects child and forced labour probe
3/Фев/2015 News
“To millions of victims of forced labour in Uzbekistan, the bank has said that despite recognising the relationship between their plight and its loans, it is not worth investigating.” (Umida Niyazova, director of the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights)
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DISABLED CHILDREN: The African Report on Children with Disabilities: Promising Starts and Persisting Challenges
30/Янв/2015 Publication
[3 December 2014] - A new report by the African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) highlights the stigma, discrimination and...
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GAZA: Hundreds of thousands of children shell-shocked after the war in Gaza
30/Янв/2015 News
Treatment is needed for 35 to 40 percent of Gaza’s million children who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder after the 50-day conflict.
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INDIA: Police rescues hundreds of trafficked child slaves from bangle-making workshop
30/Янв/2015 News
Most of the the children were trafficked away from their impoverished parents in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in exchange for 5,000 rupees ($80) as payment.
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UCRANIA: Así viven los niños en los refugios: terror, frío y hambre bajo tierra
27/Янв/2015 News
Un millón de niños viven atrapados en refugios antiaéreos en Donetsk.
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NEW REPORT: Cruel, inhuman and degrading - ending corporal punishment in penal systems for children
19/Янв/2015 Publication
This report documents that 38 States, which include just under 40 per cent of the world’s children, have not fully prohibited the sentencing of children to corporal punishment by their courts and 67 States have not prohibited violent punishment of children in penal institutions. 
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PAKISTAN: Cientos de niños mueren de hambre por sequía
16/Янв/2015 News
Los niños y las niñas son los primeros en caer víctimas de la diarrea y la neumonía provocadas por la desnutrición en Tharparkar.
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MINORITIES: France probes uproar over Roma baby burial
5/Янв/2015 News
The mayor of Champlan had reportedly denied the family of the Roma infant a burial on the municipal cemetery.
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UK: Increasing amount of drugs prescribed to treat hyperactivity in pre-schoolers
5/Янв/2015 News
[21 December 2014] - An “alarming” number of pre-school children are being prescribed drugs to treat hyperactivity –...
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