Publication (general)

GUINÉE : Accès des enfants à la justice
9/Апр/2018 Publication
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SUISSE : Accès des enfants à la justice
9/Апр/2018 Publication
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SAUDI ARABIA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
29/Мар/2018 Publication
The death penalty, life imprisonment, flogging and amputation remain lawful sentences for children in Saudi Arabia. 
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SAUDI ARABIA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
29/Мар/2018 Publication
The death penalty, life imprisonment, flogging and amputation remain lawful sentences for children in Saudi Arabia. 
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DERECHO A VOTAR: Los países donde los menores de 18 años pueden votar
26/Мар/2018 Publication
A nivel mundial, 23 países actualmente permiten que los mayores de 16 años voten en elecciones locales o nacionales, según datos recopilados por CRIN.
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REPORT: What Lies Beneath
14/Мар/2018 Publication
As NGOs, how often do we question whether what we’re doing is what we ought to be doing? In other words, is our work needed and necessary? Here are CRIN's thoughts on this question. 
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VOTING: CRIN's submission for draft guidelines on the right to participate in public affairs
14/Фев/2018 Publication
This submission was made in February 2018 to provide input for draft guidelines on the effective implementation of the...
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QATAR: CAT submission on inhuman sentencing of children
29/Янв/2018 Publication
In Qatar, life imprisonment remains a lawful sentence for offences committed by children. The death penalty and corporal punishment may remain lawful for child offenders under Sharia law.
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