Ombudsmen / Independent human rights institutions

Office of the Commissioner for Chidren
3/Янв/2001 Organisation
Promotes the UNCRC; Monitors government departments to ensure that child rights are upheld; advocates for children;...
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Ombudsoffice for Children & Youth - Austria
3/Янв/2001 Organisation
Individual case work, counselling, mediation, intervention promoting children's rights projects (eg. sexual abuse/domestic...
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Office of Children's Rights Commissioner for London
3/Янв/2001 Organisation
The Office of the London Children's Rights Commissioner works jointly with children and young people. OCRCL is a fixed...
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Children's Rights Commissioner - Belgium (Flemish)
3/Янв/2001 Organisation
The organisation is a public...
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Local Ombudsman for Children in Sweden (Uppsala)
3/Янв/2001 Organisation
The organisation has provided a telephone hotline for children since 1986 and over the years has expanded....
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