State violence

ZIMBABWE: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
11/Мар/2016 Publication
The death penalty is explicitly prohibited for any offence committed by a person under the age of 18, but life...
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BANGLADESH: Mandatory death penalty declared void after 14-year legal battle
10/Мар/2016 Publication
Sentenced to death for a crime allegedly committed when he was just 14, a Bangladeshi boy’s case became the centre of a lengthy legal battle which ultimately led to mandatory executions being declared unconstitutional.
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MIGRATION: CRIN submission for the General Comment on the human rights of children in the context of int'l migration
25/Фев/2016 Publication
This submission draws attention to neglected areas of child migrants’ rights, including their right to work, detention and criminalisation, discriminatory language used to refer to migrant children, and access to justice. 
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QATAR: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
16/Фев/2016 Publication
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FRANCIA: Amnistía Internacional afirma que las medidas del estado de excepción traumatizan a la población
8/Фев/2016 News
Según su reporte "Upturned lives: The disproportionate impact of France's state of emergency", las durísimas medidas de excepción, incluidos registros domiciliarios nocturnos, han pisoteado los derechos de cientos de hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas.
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INDIA: Inhuman sentencing of children
21/Янв/2016 Publication
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ONU : Résumé du rapport sur les abus sexuels par les casques bleus
24/Дек/2015 News
Ce rapport, très attendu, vient d’être mis en ligne et se penche sur la réponse apportée par les Nations unies après la découverte des abus sexuels commis sur des enfants par des casques bleus.  
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FRANCE : Des adolescents portent plainte pour violences policières
22/Дек/2015 News
Les violences dont parlent les adolescents ont eu lieu entre l’été 2013 et l’été 2015. Seules ont été retenues pour la plainte celles pour lesquelles des témoins pouvaient confirmer leurs dires. Une enquête préliminaire a été confiée à l’inspection générale de la police nationale (IGPN), la police des polices. La police n’a pour le moment pas souhaité réagir.  
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UN: Summary of report into sexual abuse by peacekeepers
18/Дек/2015 News
The long-awaited report on the response of the United Nations' handling of sexual abuse of children by peacekeepers was published yesterday.  
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