Physical punishment

QATAR: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
16/Фев/2016 Publication
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CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : Bulletin Afrique n°21
1/Фев/2016 News
Le nouveau bulletin Afrique de l'Initiative mondiale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Africa Newsletter #21
1/Фев/2016 News
Read about the recent developments and campaigns in Africa by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
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SOUTH AFRICA: Human Rights Commission urges ban on corporal punishment
22/Янв/2016 News
A total ban on corporal punishment may be enacted in South Africa after the country’s Human Rights Commission recommended the measure to the cabinet earlier this week.
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INDIA: Inhuman sentencing of children
21/Янв/2016 Publication
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UNITED KINGDOM: Staff fired after claims of mistreatment at G4S-run young offender unit
14/Янв/2016 News
Four staff have been sacked following allegations of mistreatment of children at a young offender institution.
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BANGLADESH: Inhuman sentencing of children
12/Янв/2016 Publication
The Children’s Act 2013 has substantially amended much of the relevant legislation on the criminal sentencing of children,...
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CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : Un pas de plus vers l'abolition universelle en 2015
5/Янв/2016 Publication
2015 a été le témoin d’un pas de plus vers l’abolition universelle des châtiments corporels des enfants. Plus de la moitié des États-membres de l’ONU a aboli ou s’est engagée à abolir les châtiments corporels dans toutes les situations.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global progress towards prohibition up to December 2015
4/Янв/2016 Publication
A milestone in progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children was witnessed in 2015 with more than half of UN member states achieving prohibition in all settings or committing to doing so.
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EUROPE: Protection gaps risk exposing children with disabilities to abuse
4/Дек/2015 Publication
Boys and girls with disabilities are more likely to be victims of physical and sexual violence, and neglect, than those without disabilities.
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