The justicies said it's permissible to punish a child by spanking so long as "reasonable" force is used and the child is not harmed in a lasting way. Conversely, they also emphasised the child should be protected from abuse.
Le nouveau bulletin consacré à l'Afrique de l'initiative globale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels sur les enfants revient sur les récents développements, les campagnes en cours et l'actualité des droits de l'homme.
Although there is little data on the impact of gang violence on child marriage, anecdotal evidence shows girls are getting married and coupled with gang members, which they see as a form of protection from gang violence and intimation from other gangs.
Ahead of the World Day against Child Labour on 12 June, CRIN looks at whether in countries where child workers will work with or without labour protections, is a blanket ban on child work the best way of guaranteeing children's interests?