Business and children's rights

Accion de Tutela Instaurada por Orlando Jose Morales Ramos v. la Sociedad Drummond Ltda
чт, 21/03/2013 - 16:00 Instrument
Case concerning breaches of rights to life, health, privacy and a healthy environment resulting from mining operations.
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The Presbytarian Church of Sudan, et al. v. Talisman Energy, Inc and Republic of the Sudan
пт, 02/10/2009 - 15:30 Instrument
Case concerning corporate liability as an accessory to state perpetrated human rights violations and crimes against humanity during the second Sudanese civil war.
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Maria Aguinda Salazar y otros v. Chevron Corporation
вт, 12/11/2013 - 15:15 Instrument
Case concerning liability and reparation for environmental damage caused by Texaco's oil operations in Ecuador.
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Aqua Mineral Chusmiza v. Comunidad Indigena de Chusmiza Usmagama
ср, 25/11/2009 - 15:00 Instrument
Case concerning the land and water rights of the indigenous Aymara and Atacama communities in northern Chile.
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Juan Carlos Puentes Soto v. Empresa de Servicios Publicos del Municiio de La Argentina, Huila
пн, 17/03/2014 - 14:30 Instrument
Case concerning a public utility company's suspension of service of an aqueduct in a residential building, affecting the inhabitants' access to water.
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