3. Development of comprehensive strategies or agendas for children

EGYPT: Health Condition in Rural Areas (Arabic)
6/Июл/2008 Publication
تقريرالأرض: الأوضاع الصحية في الريف المصري.. إلى أين؟...
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PARTICIPATION: Council of Europe Call for expressions of interest
14/Май/2008 News
Summary: Call for Expressions of Interest: Presentation of successful children’s participation projects at the Seminar on ...
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COUNCIL OF EUROPE: Raise your hand against smacking!
вс, 15/06/2008 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Council of Europe is launching its Europe-wide initiative against corporal punishment of children. This event...
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Morocco: Children National Plan of Action 2006- 2015 (Arabic)
12/Апр/2008 Publication
Summary: National Plan of Action for Children in Moroccoالمملكة المغربية...
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Gender-Based Sexual Violence Against Teenage Girls in the Middle East (Arabic)
5/Апр/2008 Publication
العنف الجنسي ضد المراهقات في الشرق الأوسط:  لبنان،واليمن والأراضي الفسطينية المحتلة...
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Подписка на 3. Development of comprehensive strategies or agendas for children