2. Development of independent human rights institutions for children

ARGENTINA: Reclaman instrumentar el Defensor del Niño
3/Авг/2011 News
Summary: Voto un proyecto de declaración para que el gobierno bonaerense instrumente la institución antes de fin de año...
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MECANISMO DE DENUNCIAS: Consejo de Derechos Humanos aprueba mecanismo de quejas para las violaciones a los derechos del niño
5/Июл/2011 News
[GINEBRA, 17 de junio de 2011] - El Consejo de Derechos Humanos ha adoptado el proyecto final de protocolo facultativo...
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PARIS PRINCIPLES: Young People's Version
30/Июн/2011 Publication
Summary: In 1993, the UN published rules for national independent human rights institutions, called the Paris Principles....
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COMMITTEE ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD: How independent national human rights bodies should work for children’s rights
30/Июн/2011 Publication
Summary: In 2002, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published standards for independent human rights...
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TURKEY: International child rights court needed, says judiciary official
20/Апр/2011 News
Summary: No rights can be used effectively unless there are sanctions and states have to protect children against any...
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IRELAND: Child welfare issues cannot be ignored on polling day
21/Фев/2011 News
Summary: With the upcoming 2011 Irish General Election, voters are urged to engage with candidates who are proposing...
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GLOBAL: Amnesty International - Make our Rights Law: Enforce Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
4/Окт/2010 Publication
Summary: This campaign digest describes key challenges in access to justice and effective remedies: Lack of recognition of...
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