Article 5: Parental guidance and the childs evolving capacities

Case No. ԵՄԴ/0124/02/12
пн, 28/12/2015 - 16:15 Instrument
Case concerning a custody case decided solely on the basis of the child's attachment to one parent.
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CRIN Submission on mental health and human rights
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This submission is CRIN's contribution to an OHCHR call for input on the issue of mental health and human rights for an...
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GUIDELINES: Children's reintegration
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New guidelines from Family for Every Child on behalf of the inter-agency group on children’s reintegration.
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Civil and Political Rights: children’s experiences of exercising their rights
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Report from Save the Children Denmark on children’s experience exercising their civil and political rights.
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МОЛДОВА: Как живут дети трудовых мигрантов
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QUEBEC : adoption d'une loi pour les enfants transgenres
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Au Québec, grâce à la loi 103 adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale, les enfants et adolescents peuvent désormais modifier leur sexe sur leur acte de naissance. 
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MEDIOS: ¿Nos muestran los medios de comunicación una imagen real de los niños y las niñas?
8/Июн/2016 News
Compartimos la entrevista de Natalia Quiroga, de la web Ciudades Amigas de la Infancia, una iniciativa de UNICEF Comité Español, a Marta Martínez, socióloga, quien explica cómo cree que aparecen representados los niños y las niñas en los medios y como podría contribuirse a mejorar esa representación desde los ámbitos locales.
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ADOPTION: Responding to illegal adoptions - a professional handbook
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A handbook from International Social Service highlighting the reality and difficulties in dealing with illegal adoption practices.
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CROATIA: Sex-ed stalemate after decades of disagreement
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A collective complaint exposed discrimination in the material being taught in Croatian sex education classes but did not manage to cement a better system.
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RWANDA: MPs to change law on capacity to help children access justice
2/Мар/2016 News
Children in Rwanda may soon gain direct access to justice much younger once an amendment to harmonise disparities in the country's different minimum ages is passed.  
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