Article 3: Best interests of the child

CHILD RIGHTS: CRIN submission to the OHCHR on children's right to an adequate standard of living
28/Окт/2015 Publication
Submission to the OHCHR for the preparation of the report on "Protection of the family and the contribution of families in realising the right to an adequate standard of living".   
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ZAMBIA: No justice for child raped by celebrity
27/Окт/2015 News
Zambia’s President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, has been hit by crisis after crisis since taking office in January this year, but his greatest shame is one entirely of his own making.
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EUROPE: Sexual rights and risks among youth online
26/Окт/2015 News
Children and youth are one of the fastest-growing groups of internet users, bringing them great opportunities – but also new risks.
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KENYA: A social return on investment evaluation
20/Окт/2015 Publication
A review from Railway Children detailing the outcomes of an intensive family work pilot project in Kenya, which aims to successfull reconnect street connected children with their families.    
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BULLYING: CRIN submission for the UN Secretary-General’s report on 'Protecting children from bullying'
19/Окт/2015 Publication
CRIN submission for the preparation of the UN Secretary-General’s report on “Protecting children from bullying”. 
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EXPLOITATION: Joint submission to the OHCHR on ​ICTs and child sexual exploitation
19/Окт/2015 News
Joint submission for the OHCHR report on "Information and communication technology and child sexual exploitation".
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BULGARIA: No more excuses on education for children with mental disabilities
9/Окт/2015 Publication
After discovering that children with mental disabilities were being systematically denied education in Bulgaria, an international NGO submitted a complaint to the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). The organisation alleged that the Bulgarian government was failing to provide education for up to 3,000 children.  
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Les enfants dans le système judiciaire militaire israélien
7/Окт/2015 Publication
Palestinian children are routinely and systematically subjected to a harsh military justice regime.
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