
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Global Report 2011
26/Янв/2011 Publication
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ZAMBIE: Obligation de tenir les promesses faites aux enfants vivant avec le SIDA
2/Дек/2010 News
Summary: LUSAKA, 30 nov (IPS) - En Zambie, sur quatre enfants qui devraient être mis sous des médicaments anti-rétroviraux...
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ZAMBIA: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
19/Ноя/2010 Publication
Summary: A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the first Universal...
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L’élimination des châtiments corporels des enfants:Bulletin Afrique
20/Сен/2010 Publication
Summary: La principale information de ce numéro : la Tunisie et le Kenya sont les premiers Etats d’Afrique àinterdire...
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Stop Child Labour Poster
25/Июн/2010 Publication
Summary: Campaign materials such as the Stop Child Labour poster are being used for sensitisation and awarenesss in the...
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OLIVE LEAF Foundation
5/Апр/2010 Organisation
OLIVE LEAF Foundation's vision is to shape a better world for current and future generations thatmeets the fundamental...
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