
GUATEMALA: Access to justice for children
23/Окт/2014 Publication
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the Convention on the...
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4/Авг/2014 Country
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GUATEMALA: Condena del CIDH por negligencia en caso de niña brutalmente asesinada
31/Июл/2014 News
El 17 de diciembre de 2001, Rosa Elvira Franco denunció la desaparición de su hija María Isabel. El cadáver de la joven apareció días después.
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GUATEMALA: ONU pide trabajo conjunto para encarar crisis de niños guatemaltecos deportados
14/Июл/2014 News
En un comunicado divulgado en Guatemala, Naciones Unidas manifestó su preocupación por el incremento en las deportaciones vía México desde USA.  
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Winrock International
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Winrock works with people around the world to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resource and protect the...
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ChildFund Ireland
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
ChildFund Ireland works to address the needs and rights of children who are living in developing countries in extremely...
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Save the Children Switzerland
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Save the Children Switzerland is a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, comprising 27 national Save the...
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Children in Organised Armed Violence (COAV - Viva Rio)
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
The key objectives of the COAV website are to document cases of children and youth involved in armed groups in countries...
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Association Intervida
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Améliorer les conditions de vie des enfants et des minorités dans les pays en voie de développement.
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