
19/Дек/2013 Country
The world’s most populous country, China is also the third largest in terms of area. Politically, the State has moved away...
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Fifth Ministerial Consultation in Beijing
пн, 14/05/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Takes place in Beijing. A three-day event in East Asia and Pacific region which will play a critical role in...
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TRANSPARENCY: Russia, China and Saudi Arabia among States seeking election to the UN Human Rights Council
26/Ноя/2013 News
Fourteen new countries will be elected to the UN’s human rights scrutinising body next week, with France, the United...
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CHINA: Persistent violations of children's rights
12/Ноя/2013 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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CHINA: Children's rights in International Labour Organisation reports
12/Ноя/2013 Publication
Summary: This report summarises individual observations and direct requests issued by the ILO Committee of Experts related...
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CHINA: Children's Rights in the UN Treaty Body Reports
11/Ноя/2013 Publication
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Concluding Observations for China's 3rd and 4th Periodic Reports
11/Ноя/2013 UN and Regional Documentation
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Submission by Human Rights Watch to the Committee on the Rights of the Child for its Day of General Discussion on State Violence Against Children
29/Окт/2013 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: All states must be urged to abolish deep-rooted prejudices against children who have disabilities and children...
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