
ESE Bénin
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Suivi de la population en matière d'éducation, de santé et d'environnement au Bénin.Education Santé Environnement
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Dynamo International
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
The social purpose of Dynamo International is development cooperation especially in the fields related to children and...
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Kinderrechte Afrika e.V. (KiRA)
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Our vision is that all children grow up, regardless of where they come from, in a political, communal and social...
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Plan International - Sweden
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Plan is a non-religious and politically unbiased international humanitarian development aid organisation. Plan has a clear...
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19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Gospel and Soul Winning mission with school for children from less priviledged. THE VISION OF OUR MISSION...
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Terre des Hommes - Spain
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
The mission of the Terre des Hommes organisations is to provide active support to children, without racial, religious,...
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ESE Bénin
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Suivi de la population en matière d'éducation, de santé et d'environnement au Bénin.Education Santé Environnement
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19/Дек/2013 Country
Located to the south of the Sahara desert in West Africa, Benin is a narrow country with a population that largely lives...
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Africa: Meeting of the African Committee of Experts - a positive step to promote and protect the rights of the African child
28/Ноя/2013 News
Summary: Amnesty International commended the commitment shown by those African states that have ratified the African...
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BENIN : Une experte de l'ONU appelle à renforcer la protection des enfants
11/Ноя/2013 News
Summary: Une experte indépendante de l'ONU a exhorté vendredi les autorités béninoises à inscrire la protection des...
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