Article 40: Administration of juvenile justice

Debaten la inclusión de indicadores de justicia y violencia en la agenda post-2015
30/Янв/2014 News
Representantes gubernamentales, académicos y organizaciones latinoamericanas han debatido en Río de Janeiro acerca de los...
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SLOVAKIA: Government approves a new strategy to protect children from violence
24/Янв/2014 News
A new strategy has been approved by the Slovakian state government for tackling violence against children across the country.  
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Congrès mondial sur la justice juvénile
20/Янв/2014 News
Genève (Suisse), du 26 au 30 janvier 2015. Le Gouvernement Suisse et la Fondation Terre des hommes annoncent l’organisation de ce Congrès au Centre International de Conférence de Genève – CICG.
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International Institute for the Rights Of The Child
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
IDE has an international vocation. Its objectives are: to diffuse pertinent information on the rights of the child in...
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Max Planck Institute for foreign and International Criminal Law
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
The Institute hosts two research...
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HAQ: Centre for Child Rights
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
HAQ seeks to recognise, protect and promote child rights, and believes that there is a need for realisation of human...
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World Vision - Japan
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
World Vision Japan aims to...
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Pakistan International Peace & Human Rights Organization
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
To co-operate, coordinate, and participate...
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Research Academy for Rural Enrichment
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Building up the capacity of the people belonging to this backward area and under privileged section of the society to...
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Kathmandu School of Law
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Strengtheing juvenile justice.KSL
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