Conference Report

ISRAEL: Israël et le Droit international - Avec une attention spéciale pour les femmes et les enfants palestiniens emprisonnés
13/fév/2008 Publication
Summary: Organisateurs : La Marche des Droits humains, Association ONU et le Centre MandelaUn panel composé de six experts...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child concludes 47th session
5/fév/2008 Publication
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child issues Conclusions on Reports of Timor-Leste, Germany, Dominican...
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World Fit for Children +5 Declaration
2/Jan/2008 Publication
Summary: Outcome of the Special Session follow up meeting that took place at the UN Headquarters in New York from 11 to 13...
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Violence Against Children: Side event at World Fit for Children follow up event
13/déc/2007 Publication
[NEW YORK, 11 December 2007] - At a side event co hosted by World Vision and the government of Uruguay, the recently...
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UN: Report from Children's Forum at World Fit For Children event
11/déc/2007 Publication
COMING UP: More news and interviews from the round-table discussions and side events ...
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CONSEIL DE L'EUROPE: Sommet de la jeunesse Afrique-Europe
10/déc/2007 Publication
Summary: Le Sommet Afrique-Europe de la jeunesse, qui est organisé à l’initiative du Centre Nord-Sud du Conseil de l...
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RUSSIA: Information on the activity of the ombudswoman for children in the Samara region
17/sep/2007 Publication
Summary: The Ombudswoman for Children in the Samara region has been working since January 2003 in accordance with Samara...
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RUSSIA: Information on the protection of rights and interests of children in the Russian Federation
17/sep/2007 Publication
Summary: In 2006, Russia launched the implementation of national education, health and housing projects. Decisions on...
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