NGO - non governmental organisation

Dogodogo Centre Street Children Trust
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Giving support to street and working...
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Kanya Dowse Fanyi
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Providing food for babies between 6 months and 2 years old.Complimentary Food for ChildrenKDF
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Azerbaijan Women & Development Centre
19/déc/2013 Organisation
To improve the status of women, children, refugees, IDP's and vulnerable people.AWDC
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Programme Insertion Des Enfants Déshérités
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Eduation des efants en situation...
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Reproductive Educative and Community Health
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Advocate for elimination of Female...
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Indian Committee of Youth Organisations
19/déc/2013 Organisation
ICYO is a network organisation working in many areas and particularly in the field of child abuse and exploitationICYO
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Centre for Health Education and Nutrition Awareness
19/déc/2013 Organisation
CHETNA's aim is to contribute towards the empowerment of disadvantaged women, adolescents and children so that they become...
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Human Rights Advocates Natural Heritage Institute
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Advocating at international intergovernmental bodies for aspects of children's rights and human rights in general.HRA (NHI)
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Canadian Society for International Health
19/déc/2013 Organisation
CSIH facilitates and supports health...
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Children and AIDS International NGO Network
19/déc/2013 Organisation
ICAD is a Canadian-based coalition...
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S'abonner à NGO - non governmental organisation