
Womankind Worldwide
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
WOMANKIND Worldwide is the only UK-based charity dedicated to women's rights and development globally. We work in 16...
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3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Viva enables Christians working with children at risk to work better together, through capacity-building initiatives. It's...
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Vision and Hope Foundation
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
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Training and Research Support Centre
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Child health, child abuse, children's rights in Zimbabwe.
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Southern African Federation of the Disabled
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
1) To promote, support and...
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SOS Children's Villages International
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
SOS-Kinderdorf International is the umbrella organisation for more than 130 associations. SOS Children's Villages provide...
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Sight Savers International
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
SSI is an international charity...
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Save the Children New Zealand
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
To provide improved quality of life for underprivileged children around the world and to fight for children's rights...
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Save the Children UK
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Save the Children works to achieve lasting benefits for children within the communities in which they live. By influencing...
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Save the Children Denmark
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Red Barnet
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