
Training Programme in Child Rights, Classroom and School Management 2004
lun, 20/09/2004 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The overall objective of the course,...
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State of the World's Children 2005: Childhood Under Threat
20/Jan/2005 Publication
Summary: The report examines three of the most...
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Joint East West Research on Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes in Europe: The Sending Countries.
14/Jan/2005 Publication
Summary: This paper looks at a number of countries in...
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Kids Behind Bars
19/déc/2003 Publication
Summary: A study on children in conflict with...
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South East European Youth NGOs Forum - "Regional Co-operation: Resource and Tool for Youth NGOs Efficiency"
lun, 20/10/2003 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The specific objective of the fourth...
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Romania's Children: Their Story
30/juil/2003 Publication
Summary: This is a information package that...
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