New Zealand

Disabling Children? Some Reflections on Disability and Community
21/mar/2001 Publication
Summary: The full text of this article can be...
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Children's Issues
15/mar/2001 Publication
Summary: Children Issues is published in...
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YouthLaw Tino Rangatiratanga Taitamariki
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
World Vision Australia is a non-profit Christian organization working along with its supporters for and with the poor in...
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World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
The World Association of Girl Guides...
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World Association of Early Childhood Educators
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Allow every child under six years of...
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Women's World Summit Foundation
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
WWSF, an international, non-profit, non-confessional empowerment NGO (UN consultative status) serves the implementation of...
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University of Auckland
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Children's rights and families in New Zealand.
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Save the Children New Zealand
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
To provide improved quality of life for underprivileged children around the world and to fight for children's rights...
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Office of the Commissioner for Chidren
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Promotes the UNCRC; Monitors government departments to ensure that child rights are upheld; advocates for children;...
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University of Waikato Faculty of Law
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Child Rights and the adherence of governments to the UNCRC.
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