
Human Development Report 2006: Beyond scarcity: power, poverty and the global water crisis
14/nov/2006 Publication
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to...
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Ending Legal Violence Against Children: Global Report 2006
12/oct/2006 Publication
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children...
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Japan: National Youth Shadow Report on HIV/ AIDS
29/Mai/2006 Publication
Summary: GYCA members report on their government's progress in achieving the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV and...
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Children's Rainbow Center-Japan Information and Training Center for Problems related to Child Abuse and Adolescent Turmoil
6/Jan/2006 Organisation
The Childrens Rainbow Center was established to deal with the issues of child abuse and adolescent turmoil. The Center...
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Child Helpline International
11/nov/2005 Organisation
Child Helpline International is charged with establishing and strengthening a world wide network of child helplines with...
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FOCUS Asia-Pacific - September 2005
7/nov/2005 Publication
Summary: Volume 41 features: Human Rights Challenges (editorial); Perils in the Defense of Human Rights by Hina Jilani;...
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Children's World Summit for the Environment - 26 to 29 July 2005
mar, 26/07/2005 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Summit is a follow-up to the 1992 Earth...
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International Centre for Child and Youth Studies
2/avr/2005 Organisation
ICCYS is a specialised unit for training, research and policy analysis which focuses on the needs of children and youth in...
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