Congo, Democratic Republic of the

DR Congo: Civilians must be protected amid escalating violence in eastern DRC
2/Mai/2012 News
Summary: Warring parties in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must take measures to ensure civilians are protected,...
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CONGO, RDC: La province de l’Equateur dotée de son premier tribunal pour enfants
12/avr/2012 News
Summary: La province de l’Equateur dispose désormais d’un tribunal pour juger les enfants qui commettent des actes...
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DR CONGO: Thorny issue of reparations for Lubanga’s victims
12/avr/2012 News
Summary: Experts warn that cash payouts to former child soldiers are unlikely, and many will get nothing unless they can...
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Premier verdict de la CPI : un ancien chef rebelle congolais déclaré coupable
20/mar/2012 News
Summary: La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a déclaré mercredi, à l'unanimité, l'ancien chef rebelle congolais Thomas...
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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: In landmark ruling, ICC finds Congolese warlord guilty of recruiting child soldiers
15/mar/2012 News
Summary: The International Criminal Court (ICC) today found Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga Dyilo guilty of recruiting...
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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: Landmark ICC verdict over use of child soldiers
15/mar/2012 News
Summary: A Trial Chamber made up of three judges delivered the ICC’s first-ever verdict on Wednesday against Thomas...
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CPI : Le premier verdict de la cour est un avertissement aux auteurs de violations de droits humains
14/mar/2012 News
Summary: Le chef rebelle congolais Thomas Lubanga Dyilo a été reconnu coupable, son co-accusé Bosco Ntaganda doit...
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14/mar/2012 Publication
Summary: General overview of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's national legal provisions on children's rights,...
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14/mar/2012 Publication
Summary: Information about institutions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that monitor children's rights....
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