
Children's Work - Adults' Play/Child Sex Tourism-The Problem in Cambodia
19/mar/2002 Publication
Summary: This paper focuses on child...
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Cambodia After The First World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
14/déc/2001 Publication
Summary: The book includes general situation...
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10/nov/2001 Organisation
Our organization name has changed to EDUCO, website where they can download the report for respective countries. Another...
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Save the Children Norway
3/juil/2001 Organisation
This is a membership organisation...
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7/juin/2001 Organisation
Tearfund is one of the UK's leading...
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3/juin/2001 Organisation
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International Catholic Child Bureau - Switzerland
7/Mai/2001 Organisation
BICE intervenes on behalf of the...
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Profile of National Coalition - Cambodia
31/mar/2001 Publication
Summary: Children represent more than half of...
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