
GLOBAL: Children's Rights Wiki
30/sep/2011 News
Summary: CRIN has launched a "Children's Rights Wiki" to bring together all information about children's rights in one...
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ARGENTINA: Children's rights and the Inter-American system
19/sep/2011 Publication
Summary: This report summarises hearings on children's rights in Argentina held by the Inter-American Commission, reports...
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ARGENTINA: Fragmentos del libro “Por dentro”, acerca de los talleres de “Arte y Sensibilización para mujeres con niños en prisión"
7/sep/2011 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Fragmentos del libro “Por dentro”, acerca de los talleres de “Arte y Sensibilización para mujeres con niños en...
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ARGENTINA: Children's Ombudsperson
30/aoû/2011 Publication
Summary: Information about institutions in Argentina that monitor children's rights....
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Argentina: Submission to the CRC Day of General Discussion on Children of Incarcerated Parents
19/aoû/2011 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Submission by S. Zega...
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ARGENTINA: Fragmentos del libro “Por dentro”, acerca de los talleres de “Arte y Sensibilización para mujeres con niños en prisión"
19/aoû/2011 Publication
Summary: Fragmentos del libro “Por dentro”, acerca de los talleres de “Arte y Sensibilización para mujeres con niños en...
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