
Angola: Cholera Epidemic - NGO Warns Worst is Yet to Come
28/avr/2006 News
[LUANDA, 28 April 2006] - Describing the cholera outbreak in Angola a "national emergency", an international humanitarian...
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Training Programme in Child Rights, Classroom and School Management 2006
lun, 29/05/2006 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The overall objective of the course, from a development perspective, is to enhance the right to relevant...
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Adolescent Programming in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
16/déc/2005 Publication
Summary: This report provides a set of recommendations to encourage adolescent participation in community development and...
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Save The Children calls on the international community to support Angola's forgotten poor (11 November 2005)
28/nov/2005 News
Summary: As Angola prepares to commemorate the 30th anniversary of its independence from Portugal on November 11, Save the...
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5/oct/2005 Organisation
CARE works with poor communities in more...
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International Centre for Child and Youth Studies
2/avr/2005 Organisation
ICCYS is a specialised unit for training, research and policy analysis which focuses on the needs of children and youth in...
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State of the World's Children 2005: Childhood Under Threat
20/Jan/2005 Publication
Summary: The report examines three of the most...
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Towards Safer Communities: Mine/ ERW Awareness Programmes
20/juil/2004 Publication
Summary: This is a practical guidance brochure...
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