
NON-REFOULEMENT: CRIN's submission on CAT's Draft General Comment
30/Mar/2017 Publication
This submission provides comments on the draft General Comment of the Committee Against Torture on article 3 of the...
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PAKISTAN: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
28/Mar/2017 Publication
Corporal punishment, life imprisonment and the death penalty are lawful sentences for offences committed by children in...
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Accessing justice for violations of children’s rights in care institutions
21/Mar/2017 Guide Section
Guide detailing the legal and practical tools available to end violations of children's rights in institutional care, and to provide information on redress.
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KUWAIT: Inhuman sentencing of children
14/Feb/2017 Publication
In March 2017, Kuwait abolished the death penalty and life imprisonment for offences committed while under the age of 18.
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Mathews v. Harris
Lun, 09/01/2017 - 00:00 Instrument
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FRANCE : Le Conseil constitutionnel censure l'interdiction des violences corporelles
1/Feb/2017 News
Le 26 janvier 2017, le Conseil constitutionnel français a censuré plusieurs dispositions de la loi Égalité et Citoyenneté...
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VIOLENCIA: '10 años más tarde - Progreso y demora mundial en acabar con la violencia contra los niños'
27/Ene/2017 Publication
Un nuevo informe del Consejo Internacional de ONG sobre la Violencia contra las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes que expone el progreso y la demora mundial desde que se realizó el primer Estudio de la ONU sobre la violencia contra los niños. 
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Ending legalised violence against children - Global progress to December 2016
19/Ene/2017 Publication
The annual global report of the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, celebrating progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment.
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ARGENTINA: Juvenile life sentences breached human rights standards
11/Ene/2017 Publication
Five Argentinian children were sentenced to life in prison, suffering grievous ill-treatment and incarceration for years before their cases were heard by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
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НАСИЛИЕ: Десять лет спустя: глобальный прогресс и задержки в искоренении насилия в отношении детей - доклад
15/Dic/2016 Publication
Международный совет НПО по вопросам насилия в отношении детей опубликовал четвертый и заключительный доклад о последующей работе по искоренению насилия в отношении детей.
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