Civil and political rights

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, Inc. v. Jennifer M. Joyce, et al.
Lun, 09/03/2015 - 15:45 Instrument
Case concerning the legality of legislation prohibiting the disturbance of places of worship.
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Civil and Political Rights: children’s experiences of exercising their rights
17/Ago/2016 Publication
Report from Save the Children Denmark on children’s experience exercising their civil and political rights.
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Установление минимального возраста - Дискуссионный документ
17/Ago/2016 Publication
Когда минимальный возраст защищает или ограничивает права детей? Что подразумевается под свободным и информированным...
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CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS: CRIN's submission to the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule Law
8/Ago/2016 Publication
CRIN's submission to the Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule Law, covering freedom of expression, freedom of...
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How to occupy your school: a lesson from Brazil
3/Ago/2016 Publication
With Brazil suffering an economic slowdown and a major political crisis many public services have been hit with cuts to free up cash ahead of the Olympics. Students have occupied schools across the country to fight back.
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ENVIRONMENT: CRIN submission for the CRC's Day of General Discussion on 'children’s rights and the environment'
29/Jul/2016 Publication
The submission contributes information on the different aspects of children’s access to justice in relation to rights violations resulting from environmental damage.  
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ROMANIA: The ‘legal black hole’ for children in institutions
20/Jul/2016 Publication
Abandoned by his mother at birth, Valentin Câmpeanu eventually died in a Romanian orphanage. Two NGOs brought a case to the European Court of Human Rights to get accountability for the way he was treated and to help prevent similar abuses.
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