Individual cases of violations

Children in Prison in South Africa
21/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: This book came about as a result of a...
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School Age Mothers: Access to Education
21/Mar/2001 Publication
Owner: Celia Davies, Aine Downey and Helen Murphy
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Attacking Child Labour in Cyberspace
21/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: The full text of this article can be...
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Council of Europe's Activities in Favour of Children
21/Mar/2001 Publication
Owner: Prepared by the secretariat
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Déclaration des droits du déficient mental
20/Mar/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Proclamée par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies dans sa résolution 2856 (XXXVI) du 20 décembre 1971
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Directives générales pour les rapports périodiques
20/Mar/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Directives generales concernant la...
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Rights of the Child in Ethiopia
20/Mar/2001 Publication
Owner: Ben Schonveld and Fernando Mejia
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Gender and Primary Schooling in Ethiopia
20/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: Ethiopia is one of the poorest and most...
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Youths Living with HIV Self-Evident Truths
20/Mar/2001 Publication
Summary: Luna's book presents a selection from a...
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