
Save the Children Norway Launches Website on Children's Participation
24/Nov/2006 Publication
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Palestinian Child Detainees in Israeli Jails [Arabic]
23/Nov/2006 Publication
Summary: Since the beginning of this Intifada in September 2000, over 2500 children have been arrested. Currently there...
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Website on child participation (Norwegian)
22/Nov/2006 Publication
Save the Children Norway has launched a web-site on child participation at:
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Ayiti: The Cost of Life (game)
21/Nov/2006 Publication
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14/Nov/2006 Publication
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Open Budget Initiative
9/Nov/2006 Publication
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Swahili game for HIV prevention
2/Nov/2006 Publication
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Documents submitted by OHCHR to the 60th session of the General Assembly
25/Oct/2006 Publication
Summary: List of documentation submitted by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Third Committee at...
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Coping With a National Tragedy
25/Oct/2006 Publication
Summary: This online resource details how to help children in a tragedy, with especial reference to the coping in the...
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CRIN Launches Page on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
17/Oct/2006 Publication
Summary: Click on the link below to visit CRIN's new page on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights....
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