Conference Report

EUROPEAN UNION: Children and the EU - conference report
18/Mayo/2009 Publication
Summary: A recent conference on Children and the European Union, held in Liverpool, UK, focused on debating the value of...
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Sexual Exploitation: III World Congress Outcome Document
15/Mayo/2009 Publication
Summary: The Rio Declaration and Call for Action which is the outcome document of the World Congress III against the...
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AFRICAN COMMITTEE: Civil society pushes for action on child rights
27/Abr/2009 Publication
Summary: This report was written by Plan Sweden and Plan's Regional Office for West Africa.For more information, contact:...
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Reporte Internacional Humanitario sobre la Infancia afectada por la Guerra y la Pobreza-2008
14/Abr/2009 Publication
Summary: Reporte Internacional Humanitariosobre la Infancia afectada por la Guerra y la PobrezaMas de 250.000 niños y...
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2008 Dublin Annual Conference Report
2/Abr/2009 Publication
Summary: Report of the Conference/Annual Meeting held in Dublin on 3-5 September 2008pdf:
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HRC: Side Event on Child Rights in the UPR
12/Mar/2009 Publication
Summary: Report from a side event at the 10th session of the Human Rights Council on child rights in the Universal...
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OPT: 6th National Confernce Report (Arabic)
28/Feb/2009 Publication
التقرير العام للمؤتمر الوطني السادس لأطفال فلسطين: مبادرات أطفال.. مبادرات مجتمعية:  بالمشاركة نبدع.. بالمشاركة نبني...
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