Annual Report

"Enfants confiƩs, enfants placƩs: dƩfendre et promouvoir leurs droits"
25/Nov/2011 Publication
pdf: 2011 report-France DD.pdf
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CROATIA: Report on the Activities of the Ombudsperson for Children 2010
22/Nov/2011 Publication
Owner: The Ombudsperson for Children Republic of Croatiapdf: Report on the Activities of the...
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'Levels and Trends in Child Mortality - Report 2011'
20/Sep/2011 Publication
Owner: UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO)pdf:
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OPT: 2010 Annual Review of Child Rights
26/Ago/2011 Publication
Summary: Save the Children's annual reviews highlight some of the major trends that affect children's rights in the OPT -...
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