Annual Report

CRIN: The year in children's rights 2013-14
8/Oct/2014 Publication
CRIN's 2013-14 annual report wraps up our work in the past year and the events that shaped it. 
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CONFLITS ARMƉS : Rapport annuel du ReprĆ©sentant spĆ©cial sur les enfants et les conflits armĆ©s
7/Jul/2014 Publication
Le rapport annuel de la Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général de l'ONU sur les enfants et les conflits armés rescence les cas d'enfants recrutés, tués, mutilés, victimes de violences sexuelles et d’autres violations graves dans 23 situations de conflit à travers le monde.
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UNICEF: Annual Report 2013
5/Jun/2014 Publication
UNICEF has published its Annual Report 2013, which provides highlights of UNICEF’s programmes, humanitarian assistance, partnerships and policy advocacy for children in 2013.
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ISHR: 2013 Annual Report
5/Mar/2014 Publication
ISHR has published its 2013 Annual Report, which details its work over the last year in supporting human rights defenders and making human rights mechanisms more accessible and effective.
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26/Nov/2013 Publication
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Scotlandā€™s Commissioner for Children and Young People: 2012-13 Annual Report
25/Oct/2013 Publication
Summary: The 2012-13 Annual Report of Scotlandā€™s Commissioner for Children and Young PeopleOwner: Scotlandā€™s Commissioner...
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23/Oct/2013 Publication
Summary: The year in children's rights...
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Launch of Children's Commissioner for Wales' Annual Report 2012-2013
11/Oct/2013 Publication
Summary: The voices of children and young people are often completely ignored. That is the message coming from Keith...
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Annual 2012 Report-Italian National Authority for Children and Adolescents
3/Sep/2013 Publication
The Annual 2012 report of the Italian National Authority for Children and Adolescents covers two months of activities of...
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