Working children

ARGENTINA: 4tas Jornadas de Estudios sobre Infancia
21/Abr/2015 News
Lo público en lo privado y lo privado en lo público: sociedad, política y Estado: 22 al 24 de abril de 2015 en Buenos Aires.
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ITALY: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
20/Abr/2015 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Also included is the final report and the list of accepted and rejected recommendations.
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TAJIKISTAN: Increasing number of children left behind by parents looking for work abroad
13/Abr/2015 News
Many children grow up in orphanages after more and more mothers also leave them in the search for work. 
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INFANCIA Y TRABAJO: La CIDH pide en Paraguay separar el trabajo infantil de las prácticas de explotación
13/Mar/2015 News
El Movimiento Latinoamericano de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Trabajadores (MOLACNATs) organizó el Foro Internacional "Infancia y Trabajo, dos nudos culturales en profunda transformación".
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CHILD LABOUR: Child domestic workers - the dawn of a new Convention?
11/Feb/2015 Publication
Menu: Introduction | Call for Action | UN Committee on Migrant Workers | Violations of the rights of child domestic...
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GABON: Droits de l'enfant dans les organes des traités de l'ONU
11/Feb/2015 Publication
Résumé: Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités et...
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UZBEKISTAN: World Bank rejects child and forced labour probe
3/Feb/2015 News
“To millions of victims of forced labour in Uzbekistan, the bank has said that despite recognising the relationship between their plight and its loans, it is not worth investigating.” (Umida Niyazova, director of the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights)
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INDIA: Police rescues hundreds of trafficked child slaves from bangle-making workshop
30/Ene/2015 News
Most of the the children were trafficked away from their impoverished parents in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in exchange for 5,000 rupees ($80) as payment.
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REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO : Droits de l'enfant dans les organes de traités de l'ONU
10/Dic/2014 Publication
Résumé: Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités et...
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INDIA: Report on (child) slavery in textile production leads to action
27/Nov/2014 News
Indian politicans are reacting to a recent report on the situation of child slavery in spinning mills. 
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