Physical abuse

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global newsletter #30
15/Abr/2015 News
Read the latest edition of the quarterly global newsletter by the Global Initiative to End All Corporpal Punishment of Children featuring recent develpments, advocacy resources and updates from the UN.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Africa Newsletter #18
31/Mar/2015 News
Read about the recent developments and campaigns in Africa by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
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CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : Bulletin Afrique n°18
31/Mar/2015 News
Le nouveau bulletin consacré à l'Afrique de l'initiative globale pour mettre fin aux châtiments corporels sur les enfants revient sur les récents développements, les campagnes en cours et l'actualité des droits de l'homme.
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CHILE: Víctimas de abusos del clero católico se unen en América Latina
23/Mar/2015 News
Una película aborda la historia de uno de los sacerdotes más influyentes del país para no olvidar y memorizar los abusos sexuales cometidos dentro de la iglesia católica.
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CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : l'Andorre et le Bénin légifèrent
17/Mar/2015 News
Le Bénin et l'Andorre ont interdit toutes formes de châtiments corporels, portant le nombre de pays ayant légiféré dans ce sens à 46.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Two more states achieve prohibition
16/Mar/2015 News
Benin and Andorra have joined the list of now 46 states prohibiting all forms of corporal punishment. Benin is the seventh in Africa and Andorra is the 28th county in Europe.
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ITALY: Scores of migrant boat children sent to care facilities, but hundreds still waiting
6/Mar/2015 News
More than 700 unaccompanied children are still living in initial reception facilities in Italy while they wait to be placed in children’s homes.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: March 2015 edition of the global progress and delay leaflet
3/Mar/2015 Publication
This leaflet gives an overview of the latest developments in national legislations on corporal punishment of children.
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