Domestic violence

UNITED NATIONS: Resolution on 'Protection of the Family' threatens children's rights
24/Jun/2015 News
A draft resolution ‘protection of the family’ is back on the agenda at the Human Rights Council and seeks to restrict the rights of individuals within the family, in particular women and children.
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VIOLENCE: Gov'ts accused of ‘perpetrating violence against women’
23/Jun/2015 News
ActionAid report says officials are ignoring laws to end violence against women, curbing funding of women’s groups, and failing to defend activists. 
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PUBLIC HEALTH: More than one in four US children exposed to violence involving weapons
9/Jun/2015 News
Although medical associations largely see gun violence as a public health threat, with 10,000 children killed or injured by firearms each year in the US, efforts to address gun violence from a public health standpoint have been met with considerable resistance. 
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ASIA-PACIFIC: Cost of child maltreatment tops $200 billion annually, reports UNICEF
3/Jun/2015 News
Statistics show that failure to prevent violence against children is resulting in serious economic costs to countries, UNICEF warned at the launch of its ‘End Violence against Children’ campaign in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
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ALEMANIA: Los niños, víctimas habituales de la violencia
22/Mayo/2015 News
La Oficina Alemana de Investigación Criminal presentó un informe estadístico sobre los delitos en los que las principales víctimas son niños y niñas. Las cifras son pasmosas, pero sólo constituyen la punta del iceberg.
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COLOMBIA: La ONU insiste en garantizar los derechos de la infancia
28/Abr/2015 News
La ONU formuló 77 recomendaciones en el documento de análisis al informe sobre la situación de la niñez y la adolescencia que será expuesto a lo largo de esta semana.
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ITALY: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
20/Abr/2015 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Also included is the final report and the list of accepted and rejected recommendations.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Global newsletter #30
15/Abr/2015 News
Read the latest edition of the quarterly global newsletter by the Global Initiative to End All Corporpal Punishment of Children featuring recent develpments, advocacy resources and updates from the UN.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Africa Newsletter #18
31/Mar/2015 News
Read about the recent developments and campaigns in Africa by the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children.
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